Friday, June 28, 2013

My Daughter - The Author?

Just when I had given up all hope that the oldest daughter would share the bibliophile genes of the rest of the family...she announces that she's had a book accepted on contract. And then another, and another...oh my.

It seems that the language skills which served her so well during her debate career (9th in the Nation in International Extemp, thank you very much!), now allow her to create stories of BDSM Erotica that one reviewer described thusly: I think Robin McKnight may have written the most sensuous and emotionally charged description of a kiss I have ever read. Anywhere. Kudos, Robin. Secret Love isn't going to melt Kindles, it's going to make them burst into flame.

Well now! Allow me to introduce you to Robin McKnight

Her current list of books includes Red Light Christmas, Striptease, and the Devil's Boudoir trilogy: Secret Dom, Secret Desire, and Secret Love, all with Horny Devil Publishing.

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